Monday, January 2, 2012

2012: One Word

Dear Delilah,

2011 was an an incredible year, and I'm optimistic that 2012 can be even better. Last year at this time, I made some very specific resolutions. Some of them were smashing successes, others not so much. However when I look at those resolutions and the purpose behind them, and look back over the past year, I realize that the greater goal behind all of them (making a difference in the world and our community) manifested in other ways that I never could have anticipated.

I've been working on outlining some goals for the year ahead, but was having trouble committing to specific goals. When I saw Amy from Anktangle commit to a theme word for the year, it seemed perfect! The idea behind One Word 365 is simple. Pick one word to focus on for the entire year, and check in with it every day. Find the one word that encompasses all that you want to be and do in 2012.

Surrounding myself with little reminders to keep me focused!
My one word for 2012 is health. My focus for the year will be on taking better care of myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I will treat my own health with as much care and concern as I do yours. To help stay focused, I am kicking off a health-themed daily photo project. Each day Most days, I will take a photo related to physical, emotional, or spiritual health. I'll share these photos once weekly on Sundays.

There are so many exciting things ahead of us, and I want to be at my all-around best to fully enjoy them. By being at my own best, I can be at my best for you, for Daddy, for our family friends, for those I work with, and for the world.


What's your one word?



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